Publications & Presentations


J. E. Harmon and A. G. Gross, The Many Voices of Modern Physics: Written Communication Practices of Key Discoveries, afterword by Randy Allen Harris, University of Pittsburgh Press (2023).


J. E. Harmon, "At the Frontiers of the Online Scientific Article," Chapter 2 in Science Communication on the Internet: Old Genres Meet New Genres, eds., María-José Luzón and Carmen Pérez-Llantada, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (December 2019).


J. E. Harmon, "The Communication Revolution in the Sciences and Humanities," invited lecture, JumpStart Forum, Argonne National Laboratory, April 19, 2018.

J. E. Harmon, "The Circle and Relativity Theory," in Considering the Circle, Bridgeport Art Center, Chicago, art show curated by Carole Harmel, November 16, 2018 to January 4, 2019.


J. E. Harmon, "The Internet Revolution in the Sciences and Humanities," invited lecture, Enrichment Program, Nineteenth Century Club, Oak Park, IL, December 12, 2016.

J. E. Harmon, Bertolt Brecht's "Life of Galileo," Between the Lines Pre-show Lecture, Remy Bumppo Theatre Company, Chicago, IL, April 10, 2016.

J. E. Harmon, "The Scientific Journal: Making It New?" Chapter 3 in Science and the Internet: Communicating Knowledge in a Digital Age, eds., A.G. Gross and J. Buehl, Baywood Publishing, Amityville, NY (2016).

J. E. Harmon, "Communicating Science Effectively," webinar presented to Joint Center for Energy Storage Research, Argonne National Laboratory,, February 24, 2016.

A. G. Gross and J. E. Harmon, The Internet Revolution in the Sciences and Humanities, Oxford University Press, New York (2016).


J. E. Harmon, "Communicating with Multimedia," invited speaker, ComSciCon: The Communicating Science Workshop for Grad Students, Northwestern University's Lurie Medical Research Center, Chicago, IL, August 16, 2015.

J. E. Harmon, Bertolt Brecht's "Life of Galileo," guest speaker and panelist, Season Salon, Remy Bumppo Theatre Company, Chicago, IL, August 31, 2015.


J. E. Harmon, "Visualization and the History of Science," invited seminar at Argonne National Laboratory, February 27, 2014.

J. E. Harmon, "What One Picture Is Worth in Science," invited talk at University of Windsor, Workshop on Diagramming Evidence: Visualizing Connections in Science and the Humanities, Canada, April 25-26, 2014.

J. E. Harmon, "Assessing Alan Gross's The Rhetoric of Science on its 25th Anniversary," panelist, National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, IL, November 21-23, 2014.

J. E. Harmon, Book Review of Rhetorical Style: The Uses of Language in Persuasion by Jeanne Fahnestock, Rhetoric Society Quarterly 44(3): 293-296 (2014).

J. E. Harmon, "Understanding Scientific Communication: A Collaboration with Alan G. Gross," Poroi: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetorical Analysis and Invention, Vol. 10, No. 2, (2014).

A. G. Gross, J. E. Harmon, and M. Reidy, "Argument and 17th-Century Science: A Rhetorical Analysis with Sociological Implications," Chapter 4 in Rhetoric and the Early Royal Society: A Sourcebook, eds., T. Skouen and R. J. Stark, Brill Press (2014).


A. G. Gross and J. E. Harmon, Science from Sight to Insight: How Scientists Illustrate Meaning, University of Chicago Press, Chicago (2013).


J. E. Harmon and A. G. Gross, The Craft of Scientific Communication, University of Chicago Press, Chicago (2010).

A. G. Gross and J. E. Harmon, “The History of the Scientific Journal” in Encyclopedia of Science and Technical Communication, ed., Susanna Priest, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA (2010).


A. G. Gross and J. E. Harmon, “The Structure of PowerPoint Presentations: The Art of Grasping Things Whole,” IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 52(2), 121-37 (2009).

J. E. Harmon and A. G. Gross, "The Structure of Scientific Titles," Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 39(4), 455-65 (2009).

A. G. Gross, J. E. Harmon, and Michael Reidy, Communicating Science: The Scientific Article from the 17th Century to the Present, 2nd edition, Parlor Press, Lafayette, IN (2009) (


J. E. Harmon, “How Scientists Communicate: Past, Present, Future,” Invited Talk, STC’s 55th Technical Communication Summit, Philadelphia, PA, June 1-4, 2008.


J. E. Harmon and A. G. Gross, The Scientific Literature: A Guided Tour, University of Chicago Press, Chicago (2007).


J. E. Harmon, “Communicating Science to Other Scientists: Past, Present, Future,” Presented to the Society of Medical History of Chicago, Hektoen Institute, Chicago, IL, April 5, 2005.


J. E. Harmon, “Do You Speak Science?” Presented to Chicago Chapter of Society for Technical Communication, Downers Grove, IL, January 23, 2003.

J. E. Harmon, “Scientists Communicating Science,” Presented at Illinois State University, Technical Communication Department, Normal, IL, February 5, 2003.

J. E. Harmon, “History of Scientific Texts and Images,” Presented at Carnegie Mellon University, School of Design, Pittsburgh, PA, April 22, 2003.

J. E. Harmon, “Scientists Communicating Science,” Presented to Iota Sigma Pi, National Honor Society for Women in Chemistry, Oak Park, IL, October 3, 2003.


A. G. Gross, J. E. Harmon, and Michael Reidy, Communicating Science: The Scientific Article from the 17th Century to the Present, Oxford University Press, New York (2002).

J. E. Harmon and A. G. Gross, “The Scientific Article: From Galileo’s New Science to the Human Genome,” Fathom: The Online Learning Center, New York, (2002).


A. G. Gross, J. E. Harmon, and Michael Reidy, “Argument and 17th-Century Science: A Rhetorical Analysis with Sociological Implications,” Social Studies of Science 30(3), 371-396 (2000).

J. E. Harmon and A. G. Gross, “The Scientific Article: From the Republic of Letters to the World Wide Web,” Exhibition at Department of Special Collections, Joseph Regenstein Library, University of Chicago, May 12-August 21, 2000.

J. E. Harmon, “I Think I See What the Problem Is,” Talk Presented at Exhibition Opening, Department of Special Collections, Joseph Regenstein Library, University of Chicago, May 12, 2000.

J. E. Harmon, “Punctuating Scientific and Technical Prose,” in Science and Technical Writing: A Manual of Style, general editor, Philip Rubens, 2nd edition, Routledge, New York (2000).


A. G. Gross and J. E. Harmon, “What’s Right with Scientific Writing,” The Scientist 13(24), 20 (1999).


J. E. Harmon and A. G. Gross, “Style Manuals Revisited,” Technical Communication 44, 351-352 (1997).

J. E. Harmon and A. G. Gross, “Style in Scientific Prose,” Presented at the National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, IL, November 20-23, 1997.

J. E. Harmon and A. G. Gross, “Argument in Scientific Prose,” Presented at the National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, IL, November 20-23, 1997.


J. E. Harmon and A. G. Gross, “The Scientific Style Manual: A Reliable Guide to Practice?” Technical Communication 43, 61-72 (1996).

J. E. Harmon, “On Communicating Science: A Historical Perspective,” Presented at the Annual Conference of Managing Editors, Argonne, IL, October 21-23, 1996.


J. E. Harmon, “On Writing with Style,” Book Review of Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace, by Joseph Williams, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 25(4), 420-424 (1995).

J. E. Harmon, “A Rhetorical Approach to the History of the Scientific Article,” Presented at the History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 26-29, 1995.


J. E. Harmon, “Digging for Gould,” Book Review of Understanding Scientific Prose, Edited by J. Selzer, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 24, 478-482 (1994).

J. E. Harmon, “The Use of Metaphor in Citation Classics from the Scientific Literature,” Technical Communication Quarterly 3(2), 179-194 (1994).


J. E. Harmon and D. R. Hamrin, “Bibliography on Communicating Technical Research Information,” IEEE Transactions, Professional Communication 36(1), 2-6 (1993).


J. E. Harmon, “Punctuating Scientific and Technical Prose,” In Science and Technical Writing: A Manual of Style, ed. Philip Rubens, Henry Holt and Co., New York, pp. 61-90 (1992).

J. E. Harmon, “Current Contents of Theoretical Scientific Papers,” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 22(4), 357-375 (1992).

J. E. Harmon, “Evolution of the Scientific Paper,” Conference Record, IEEE International Professional Communication Conference, Santa Fe, NM, September 30-October 2, 1992, pp. 468- 475 (1992).

J. E. Harmon, “An Analysis of Fifty Citation Superstars from the Scientific Literature,” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 22(1), 17-37 (1992).


J. E. Harmon, “Structure of Scientific and Engineering Papers: A Historical Perspective,”IEEE Transactions, Professional Communication 32(3), 132-138 (1989).

J. E. Harmon, “Development of the Modern Technical Article,” Technical Communication 36(1), 33-38 (1989).


J. E. Harmon, “The Literature of Enlightenment: Technical Periodicals and Proceedings in the 17th and 18th Centuries,” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 17(4), 397-405 (1987).


J. E. Harmon, “Perturbations in the Scientific Literature,” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 16(4), 311-318 (1986).

J. E. Harmon, “Defining the Specialized Audience for Technical Publications,” Proceedings of the 33rd International Technical Communication Conference, Detroit, MI, May 11-14, 1986, pp. 366-370 (1986).


J. E. Harmon, “Metaphor in Science Writing,” Technical Communication 32(1), 48 (January 1985).